Choosing Her Read online

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  He looks at the pole. "What exactly do you have in mind?"

  "That's a Sunday secret confession. I'm not telling you now." I tease him.

  "Sunday Secret Confessions. It's a good theme and I promise tomorrow I will fully confess my secrets and my sins to you."

  I smile up at him. "In bed?"

  He smiles and his eyes crinkle. "In bed, in the kitchen, out on the balcony. We will lock ourselves away from the world."

  "On the balcony? Someone might see us."

  "I'm not talking about only exploring our bodies. You told me all of you belongs to me and that you expect all of me. We have a lot to talk about."

  "Yes, I've spilled my secrets. Tomorrow is your turn!" I giggle. "I can't wait to hear all about 'the dark side' of Aurelius Moore." He gives me his sideways half smile. That's a sexy smile! "Are you secretly the bastard son of Darth Vader?"

  He laughs out loud. "No, but …"

  I jump on that word! "But? There's that word again! But…. But who?"

  He chuckles at my pouncing on the word. "Not Darth Vader."

  "OH! You are secretly the bastard son of somebody though!" I say as my eyes twinkle and sparkle. "This is a tasty tidbit of depth into the dark secrets of Aurelius Moore. Let me guess. Oo, Oo, Oo! I know!" I say with great drama. "The Bastard Son of Thor, God of Thunder!" I raise my arms in the air as if I'm calling to the heavens to roll the thunder.

  He looks at me gobsmacked!

  "YOU ARE! Holy Fucking Hades! That sounds sexy as hell!" My eyes flare and I'm so excited I jump up and down. "I can so believe that! It suits you! Tell me more!"

  He is laughing with me now. "Not literally, Siri!"

  I give him a 'give me a break' look. "Of course, I know it's not literal! I don't believe in Gods. I just like to poke fun at the religions. But the name suits you so!" I say it out loud again. "Aurelius Moore, My Golden God, the Bastard Son of Thor, God of Thunder! Tell me more!"

  He rolls his eyes, laughing, then says firmly. "Tomorrow!"

  "Oh hell no! I have to know this now! Tell me about the dark side of you!"

  "All I'm telling you right now is that it's an alter ego that no one knows about."

  "What does the bastard son do? Something dark with thunder I hope!"

  "No more questions." He says and shuts down.

  I draw air between my teeth and narrow my eyes. "One more. Then I'll wait till tomorrow, I promise."

  He rolls his again but knows he has to give me one more. I'm too turned on and tuned in to be denied. "Ok." He sighs. "One more."

  "Does your alter ego reside in Italy, and were you going to, and will you still, introduce me to him? Please, please, please!"

  "That's three questions."

  "Technically one, because I used conjunctions. Trickery again." I wink.

  "You're definitely going to keep me on my toes." He shakes his head. "Ok. Yes. Yes. And Yes."

  "OH YEAH!" My eyes flare and I get weak in the knees. "I can't wait! When do we leave?" I throw my arms around his neck and jump up and down on him.

  "Ah, my Wild Thang. What fun we are going to have together!"

  "Yes! Fucking fun!" I laugh. "I cannot wait to explore all of that name! My Fucking Golden God is the Bastard Son of the God of Thunder! Oh, hell yeah! I can so believe that!"

  He cups my face to keep me still as he kisses my smile. "Let's go. First, we have a hot date tonight and if we don't go, my bros will come looking for me."

  "Ok! Yes, let's go! I have to meet your bros! But I cannot wait for Italy!" I bend over to the roses and bury my nose in them for one last sniff as I strip them of the small ID cards and stuff them in my jacket pocket. Aurei throws the beer bottle in the garbage can and holds his hand out to me. I bond our hands together, then drag him out the door.

  Chapter Three

  Waiting for the elevator, I ask him. "In whose apartment will we explore our beautiful thing, and hold Sunday Secret Confessions? Mine with the pole, or yours with the food?"

  "Now, that's a conundrum." Aurei says frowning but his eyes twinkle at me.

  The elevator doors open and we walk in. There is a man standing at the back with his face in an ereader. He doesn't pay us any attention. I muse to Aurei. "We could just order pizza."

  "Now you're thinking."

  The elevator stops on the 6th floor. A couple of teenagers on a date get on. The guy speaks to Aurei while she gives him an up one side and down the other look, taking inventory of his physical attributes, but as soon as the elevator doors close, her date pulls her to him and their lips hook up. Aurei squeezes my hand. Teenagers. Sex is never far from their minds. Their breathing gets heavy immediately. "Let's ride mine tonight." I offer sounding innocent, but Aurei knows me too well already and cuts his eyes at me. "You can drive fast and furious. Or, you can make it scream." I grin at him.

  Aurei plays along. "Are you talking about you or your car?"

  I give him a wink and begin to brag on my car in an imitation of a salesman pitch. "The Ford Shelby GT500 was track-tested at more than 200 mph. The 2014 edition is designed to make you part of the Shelby legend. Its 5.8L supercharged aluminum-block V8 will let you leave the competition, and everything else, in the dust." The kissing has subsided substantially. I say in my normal voice. "I particularly liked that part." Then continue with the salesman voice but less flare. "It has the Cobra badge, a glass roof, which not only is panoramic, giving you a convertible feel without the wind and noise, it also features dramatic tinting and a retractable sunshade for extra protection from the sun." Now the couple have stopped kissing altogether and the boy is staring at me all ears. The other thing not very far from a teenage boys mind, a fast sports car. The girl is pouting, frowning at me. I smile at them and continue. "It comes with the TREMEC 6-speed manual transmission." The girl rolls her eyes and shoots me daggers. I drop Aurei's hand. I smile at her with wicked eyes as I reach over grabbing his groin, rubbing him gently up and down. He squints his eyes and a slow delicious smile spreads over his face as I continue in a sultry voice. "It has a racing clutch.… It's really hard and stiff…." I look the young man in the eyes as I move to stand in front of Aurei. "She is a thing of beauty to be valued." He moves my hair to the side as I expose my neck for him and he kisses it gently. "She has a small sweet spot and if you hit her just right." He wraps his arms around me, then slides his hand down between my legs. "She'll jump out of the gate for you." I roll my hips.

  Aurei says as he nuzzles my neck. "And take you for the ride of your life."

  "Oh, baby, don't you know it!"

  The elevator dings and the doors open. The teenagers both stare at us, not moving. The gentleman with the ereader exits first. "That was dope!"

  I remove Aurei's hand from my crotch, cinch it and we walk out. "Excuse us, please." My heels click on the lobby floor and Aurei whistles softly like he did last night. "Damn, woman. I need some cold, fresh air after that."

  I laugh. "I thought I would give him something to shoot for besides his own pleasure."

  "Well, you can bet your sweet ass they are going to be hunting that sweet spot tonight."

  "Oh yeah!" I agree. We walk up to my car. "She is a thing of beauty, isn't she?"

  "Yes, she is. I love the paint job too."

  "Thanks." I say as I run my hand along the hood. "It's custom, of course, but I think it came out very nice." The body is black and the bold stripes are gold, but I had them add small blue pin stripes trimming it out.

  The teenage couple walk past us, arm and arm, and the girl stops to admire my car too. "It is beautiful."

  "Thanks, sweetie." I wink at her.

  Aurei opens the door for me. "You two have a good night."

  The young man nods. "Oh, we will. We're gonna ride around all night."

  I wink at Aurei as I slide into the passenger seat. When he gets behind the wheel, he looks truly excited to be there. "This is the first time I've ridden in the passenger side." I tell him and he grins.

  "I'm honored to
get to be your first, again."

  "You should be!" I tease him. "Here, let's sync your iPhone first and your voice." I wait patiently as he adjusts the seat, the mirrors, the climate control making everything customized for him, even his music playlist and the car syncs his settings to his voice. "I feel like I'm watching you do a preflight, Flyboy." He looks so damn handsome.

  He smiles at me when he is finally ready to drive. "I want to push her and see what this baby will do!"

  "She has a racing clutch. It is a very small sweet spot."

  "So, I heard! Let me make her purr."

  "Go for it!"

  He drives down the drive, too fast, hugging the corners. When he has her pointed in the direction of The Stallion, he looks at me. "Sit back and be amazed."

  "I truly am!"

  The Flyboy handles her with the precision skill of a pilot, making her purr. The look of sheer pleasure on his face gives me happiness. I lean back to enjoy the ride, watching his face as he tops her out over 100mph. He looks so young and happy. Big boys enjoy big toys.

  We arrive at The Stallion in no time to find the parking lot packed. Aurei decides not to park her there and instead opts to park across the road away from the other cars. It's a pretty good hike in these heels, but I don't fuss. He locks me in as he walks around the front grinning at me then opens my door. "You were about to get out by yourself, weren't you?"

  "Yes, I was." I admit. He offers his hand and helps me out then scoops me up like I'm a feather again, making me giggle. "I had a dream you were my hero coming to save the day."

  "I know. You talk in your sleep."

  "I do not!"

  "Yes you do and you did." He grins at me, teasing, then he mimics me. "Are you Napoleon?" He chuckles and says in his own voice that shows surprise at the question. "No." Then he mimics me again. "Are you the Lone Ranger?" He chuckles using the same surprised voice. "No."

  I swat his chest. "I sort of remember that." I laugh with him. "What else did I say?"

  "Then you picked your head up, looked at me and said, 'Ah, it's you. You are my hero.'" He grins at me now. "I've been called a lot of things in my life, Wild Thang, but hero isn't one of them."

  "What did you say?"

  "Well, of course I said, 'yes, I am.' Then you asked, 'Will you save me?' I had no idea who you were seeing in your dream after Napoleon and the Lone Ranger. I thought maybe Iron Man, but then you said something I will never forget."

  "Shit! What did I say?"

  "You said, 'You have saved me.'"

  "Ah, that was really sweet of me, wasn't it?"

  "Yes, it was."

  "How did you respond?"

  "I told you, 'Everything will be all right. I got ya.'"

  "Hmm, I believe you." I reach up and trace his jaw with the tip of my finger. "Aurelius." He kisses the top of my head. "Maybe I will change my Super Hero choice after all."

  He chuckles and I lay my head on his chest. "I like being the hero that saves you."

  Chapter Four

  When we get to the parking lot, he gives me a quick butterfly kiss as he sets me down. "I love that you don't wear gobs of makeup and lip stick. It makes kissing you so much more enjoyable."

  "I wear a lot of it when I'm performing, especially as Surreal. Makeup is for transforming your looks. A good makeup artist can work magic and we have some of the best in the world."

  We cinch hands as we walk across the pavement to the long line waiting to get in the club. "Is it always this crowded?"

  "It's Ladies Night."

  "On Saturday?"

  "It's not every Saturday, just tonight and next Saturday."


  "Classes are rotating for the next two weeks so they accommodate the incoming and graduating. There's a lot of pent up pressure needing to be released."

  A couple comes out, arm in arm. Before they get to where we are, they start trying to undress each other. The guys in line and a few of the girls catcall, encouraging them with "Git 'er, boy" and "Attaboy!"

  "You mean, there's a lot of pent up penis pressure with a lot of pussy needing pounding."


  I do a quick head count. Sixty people in front of us and now 20 behind us with more showing up continuously. The door opens and a bouncer stands in it counting heads. The music from the open door is blasting Miley Cyrus. My toe starts to tap. I can't wait to get inside and dance. He goes back in and the music stops. It gets quiet again.


  "What?" Aurei asks when I pull out my phone.

  "I have an idea. Hang on a minute." I google The Stallion then hit call when it comes up. I stick my finger in my ear, and step away from the line to talk. A bartender answers the phone and I ask for him to send the bouncer back out. When I hang up, I tell Aurei. "Stay here. I'll be right back."

  "What are you up too?" He asks as he frowns, but he doesn’t follow me.

  "Don't worry. No trickery. Only a good business tip."

  I type on my phone my idea as I walk toward the door. The bouncer busts through, expecting to find a fight, but instead sees me waving as I walk toward him. He walks up impatient, but I smile and simply hold my phone for him to read. He scans my text, looks at me astonished, nods and goes back inside.

  I think he liked my idea.

  I return to Aurei amid catcalls, like "Good job, Bubba! Make the bitch wait her turn." I cinch our hands, glad to be standing next to him and show him my phone.

  *If you blast the waiting crowd with music, they'll dance. If you send servers out, they'll drink. If you speed up the entry, you won't have to count heads all night.*

  "Helluva good tip."


  The bouncer comes back out with a couple of chairs and props the double doors open then stands in the middle of them. "Jungle" by X Ambassadors & Jamie N Commons blasts us and people immediately begin bouncing to the beat, pumping their hands over head and clapping.

  The next song is a new one I haven't heard yet. I use my Sound Hound app to identify it and when it's over I text Lei.

  *Heard a new song today. 'Try' by Colbie Caillat. Have you heard it? By the way, Baby Girl, I'm proud of you! And I like you just the way you are!*

  One Republic's "Counting Stars" starts to play and the people in line pump it up.

  "Lei is special to you, isn't she?"


  "What's her story?"

  "She came to Vegas with a dirt bag ole man, fucked hard and shown a good time, then he beat her up bad and went home without her. Abandoned her. She likes to fuck so she started hooking up to eat and make some quick cash. I saw her free lancing in Been Jammin's. She is beautiful. I found her after my show. Befriended her. Offered her a job making some real money, like what Bart did for me. She said yes and Fucking Fantasies was born. Of course, that's the extremely short version."

  He puts his arm around me. "You are the sweetest one."

  "I have a gift." I wink at him.

  He whispers in my ear. "I'm counting stars since I found you, Wild Thang."

  I giggle as I side step in front of him then back up and put my hands on his penis. I run my fingers down his shaft. He moans in my ear with that throaty sound I have already learned to love. "Sleep is over rated you know."

  He chuckles. "Like panties."


  When the tempo of the song picks up, I start to pump him up. "Damn, Siri, now I'm seeing stars!"

  When it ends, I throw my arms around his neck and say on his lips. "I been having these dreams, you know?"

  "Yeah, I know. I got ya."

  Between each song, the DJ comments about upcoming events, or a class of incoming or graduating flights. He gives an hour call to the ladies for $1 drinks. He counts it down with "10, 9, 8 …."

  The girl in front of us says. "Damn, I could sure use a beer."

  The DJ spins back to back One Republic. This time he plays, "Love Runs Out." With the first notes, I feel the song take over. I push off Aurei and turn
to face him as I undo the button of my jacket and let it slide off, falling to the pavement. "It's hot out here."

  The expression on his face is priceless. It says I'm the most beautiful girl in the world, but that is NOT an innocent outfit! When his eyes meet mine again, he smiles that winning smile at me. "More trickery, but I'm not sure what kind yet."

  I start to pump to the song. My tits bouncing hard without a bra for support. My hair floating around my head. I can see his eyes grow hungry and I know what he is thinking. Fuck! I'm needy again! I grin wickedly at him. Our eyes twinkling at each other.

  He surprises me by lip-syncing with the song, then saying, "We will work this beautiful thing between us out."

  Fuck! That's romantic! I spin around, push my hips on him and grind him, feeling his erection harden. He buries his face in my hair and I hear him say in my ear. "I'm doing this so don't ever doubt." His tone vibrating to my toes. With the chorus, I face him and lip sync to him as I put my hands behind my head, do a little belly dancing, and with every musical run, I treat him to a belly dance shimmy shake. His expression is priceless again. There are brief flashes of thunder rolling across his features and his tongue moves to the corner of his mouth, working to maintain control. The next verse starts and I come back to grind him. He calls me a 'maniac' and I giggle.

  At the chorus, I spin away and dance again. In the middle of the song when the tempo slows down, I resume the grind but I also do a miniature slither down then back up him. I face him, clapping my hands between the words of light, match, and burning sun. Pausing with the song, I stop all movement and hold his eyes captive. When the singing starts again, I walk up to him, slide my hands up his hard abs over this chest and into his hair. I pull his lips to mine. "Can you see my soul?"

  "Yes, and I'm not running."

  I drop my hands, lay my head back and do an erotic dancer twirl, spinning away, then I move into a shimmy shake over my entire body with the vocal run. His eyes travel up and down, enjoying the show. He lip-syncs again that he will be my light, match and burning sun, and that we will work this beautiful thing between us out, as I move back to pump it up on him. This time I let my tits bounce on his chest.